🗒️ Using our Support

General Information about our Support Services

Registering a Support Ticket

You may register a Support Ticket via our Support Portal or by mailing your issue to support@linserv.se or by telephone +46(8) 749 0995

To help us understand your issue and provide faster more accurate responses

  • Include the URL in your Odoo screen dumps where ever possible
  • Include a reference to the Odoo transaction number (SO, INV, PO etc) or record name (Product, Work Center, User etc) that using to explain your problem
  • Include information about how you wish to be contacted (we will always assume email unless you specify)

Response and Resolution times

We work hard to ensure that all reported issues are assigned to a qualified Consultant or Technician within 2 working days.  More than 90% of all issues are assigned and we commence working to resolve the issue the same day as it is registered.  

We prioritise on a first come first served basis. However, some issues that effect the availability of a production instance, end of month closing related to tax payments and reporting, or system functionality that directly effect your ability to invoice, will (at our discretion) but prioritised in cases where resources may be limited.  This applies equally to all customers irrespective of Company size.

We plan our resources and work so that 80% of support issues can be resolved with 10 working days.

We cannot however set or guarantee fixed resolution times for Support Tickets.

Will I be charged for support?

Our knowledge and expertise is designed to add more value to your company. Our services are cost effective and we work hard to deliver expert advice and competence efficiently and transparently. We work to share knowledge and transfer that knowledge to your company efficiently.

  • Generally you will be charged for all support. The minimum charge is 30 mins.
  • Generally you will be charged for any and all changes to your Odoo setup and configuration
  • Generally you will be charged for application/installation of "bug fixes"
  • Generally you will be charged if you require support to register bugs with Odoo

Support at no additional cost

  • Questions related to your server infrastructure
  • Questions related to our delivery of service
  • Questions and support related to your Odoo licenses
  • Provision of additional server resources (deployment and architecture changes are charged)
General User Support is included at no additional charge for customers with a valid Maintenance and Support Agreement

Odoo code, 3rd party code and Customised code

Your Odoo code stack is made up of 5 main parts (excluding the database and technical environment)

  • Odoo community code - owned and supported by Odoo SA and OCA/developers
  • Odoo Enterprise code - owned and supported by Odoo SA
  • 3rd party apps (from App Store) - owned and supported by 3rd party developers
  • Linserv "addons" (localisations) - owned and supported by Linserv AB
  • your own custom modifications and apps (including Studio) - owned by your company

All Odoo code is licensed under the terms of one or more GPL frameworks. Generally the owner of the code will provide some services to correct code errors at no additional charge. There are requirements on you as a user to demonstrate (send detailed examples) of errors to the supplier. Generally code fixes are included in new versions or patches. You the customer (with or with the help or your IT department or Odoo partner) are responsible to update your system with the corrected code.

General user support including configuration, training, installation, upgrades and advice on "how to use" are not included within the terms of most license agreements.

Bug reporting, support and bug-fixes

Odoo standard code is supported by Odoo.  If you find a bug in the Odoo code or any 3rd party app:

  • Demonstrate that the "bug" can be reproduced with standard data (runbot is a required by Odoo)
  • Register the error/bug with the Odoo support team

If the bug is within the code supplied by Linserv as part of our Localisation service

  • Demonstrate that the "bug" can be reproduced with standard data
  • Report the bug in our support portal
  • We will include a fix in our next patch at no additional charge

Test and recreate your Odoo "bug" https://runbot.odoo.com/

Report "bug" to Odoo Support https://www.odoo.com/help

Feel free to contact our support if you require help (this may incur Support related charges)

Follow your support ticket in the Portal

In the Linserv Portal you can see all the information about your Support tickets, including any work done by our consultants.

Contact your Business Consultant for free user account.

Please note: that this information is specifically for existing customers who use our services. 
If you are not a customer you are welcome to contact us with questions about our services and prices.