🗒️ Project Methodology

Project Model and Methodology

As ERP Project Leaders we have the challenge and opportunity to improve how people work everyday.

By automating boring tasks, creating standardised and simple business processes, quite simply by implementing Odoo we make companies more productive. 

But implementing a management software is as challenging as it is valuable. Odoo connects all departments, and all workflows, which leads to changes in every aspect of the Company.  

It’s hard to be a great Project Leader, it requires both technical an process skills but more than anything else, people and change management skills. More than 50% of proprietary ERP implementations fail and less than 20% of SME have deployed an integrated ERP software.

This challenge creates a wonderful opportunity. By simplifying implementation process simpler, making it more predictable and affordable, Odoo and Linserv are transforming the Swedish market.

In this presentation we have summarised our best practices and many the tricks we’ve learned.

Some models we use regularly

Roles and Responsibilities

To move fast and effectively we keep the layers of administration as few as possible.  Project members should have a clear view of their role/s in each activity.