Elastic Search

Elastic Search

To start set up you will need

  • Kibana server - This is an additional server that you will need to have for the search index (ask Linserv for help with this).
  • App odoo_elasticsearch needs to be activated in your database (ask Linserv for help with this).
  • Connection set up in odoo to kibana server (ask Linserv for help with this).

Set up

1. Create your indexes

By default you will have an index already created (this is automatically created when the app is installed). Do not remove this index.

You can set up multiple indexes in the app, one for each website and language. 

In the field Model Name you can select if the search index should be for product.template (products) or product.product (variants).

In the Model Field tab you will have some default fields already set up. Do not remove them. You can add more fields and with the boolean you can decide which should be searchable. If you do not want the default fields to be searchable, just untick the box, do not remove them.

In the Filter Detail tab you will have some default fields already set up. Do not remove them. You can add more if you want to. Here is where you set up which products should be included in the index (the ones that are active, published etc).

2. Create mapping

After you have finished your index you need to create the mapping of the products. 

In each index you will see the button ”create mapping”. Click on it.

You will then see the button ”create/update index”. Click on it. 

When done you will see the records created for the products in each index.

3. Add indexes to configuration

When you are done with your indexes you need to add them to your configuration.

4. Make sure the Elastic is selected in your website settings

Activate developer mode and go to Website - Configuration - Websites. 

Select a default elastic server. You can also enable trending. If you have multiple websites, make sure to do this on all of them.

Important information you as a customer need to be aware of

  • You will have to decide what you want to be searchable and what the search should look like. You have a lot of options to choose from. Before setting it up in prod, try it in test to make sure you know exactly what you want to be included in the indexes.
  • Make sure you do not remove the fields that are automatically created in the index when installing the app. If you don’t want them searchable, just untick the box (do not remove them).
  • The index needs to be regularly updated. If you add a new product to your webshop, it will not be automatically added to your elastic search index. So you as customer will need to regularly go into the elastic search app and update the index (click on the ”update/create index” button).